Monday 18 November 2013

VB.NET: ByVal Versus ByRef Example Or Difference between Byval and ByRef

Hi this article i will explain about ByVal Versus ByRef Example Or Difference between Byval and ByRef.
By Value and By Reference are two ways of passing arguments to a method. If you pass a value by value, means you send a copy of the value to a method and so changes made to that copy wont affect the original variable in a caller method.

But when you pass them by reference, means you pass a reference to the same value in a memory, so any changes done in the called method, will affect the sender method variable passed . You use By Ref if you need the changes in the called method to affect the variable in the caller method. It is like returning the changes.

Partial Class _ Default
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim y As Integer = 1
        Response.Write(y & "<br/>")
        Dim y2 As Integer = 2
    End Sub
    Protected Sub ex(ByVal x As Integer)
        x = 10
    End Sub
    Protected Sub ex2(ByRef x As Integer)
        x = 10
    End Sub
End Class

The output of y after calling a method will be 1 because changes in the called method does not affect there.But the output y2 after calling a method will be 10 because changes in the called method does effect there.

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